Scenario dedicated to Russian Language Day on June 6. Russian Language Day: events dedicated to the holiday. Scenario of educational event

More than 250 million people in the world speak Russian. The date for celebrating Russian Language Day was June 6. This is the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, the great writer, poet, playwright. In addition, Pushkin is considered the creator of the modern literary Russian language. It makes no sense to list the works of Alexander Sergeevich - they are familiar to any person living in Russia or speaking Russian.

The Russian language is one of the largest languages ​​in the world, it is the most widespread of the Slavic languages, as well as the most widespread European language in a geographical sense. Interestingly, spoken Russian is required to be studied by all astronauts who will work on the International Space Station.

According to the latest data, there are more than 150 million Russian speakers in the world, and more than 100 million speak Russian as a second language.

It's not scary to lie dead under bullets,
It's not bitter to be homeless,
And we will save you, Russian speech,
The Great Russian Word.

We will carry you free and clean
We will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity

Anna Akhmatova

The heavenly beauty of our language will never be trampled upon by cattle.
The great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

Charles V, the Roman Emperor, used to say that it is proper to speak in Spanish with God, in French with friends, in German with the enemy, and in Italian with the female sex. But if he knew Russian, then of course he would have added that it is decent for them to speak to everyone, because... I would find in it the splendor of Spanish, and the liveliness of French, and the strength of German, and the tenderness of Italian, and the richness and strong figurativeness of Latin and Greek.

The great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov
The Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimony of foreign aesthetes themselves, is not inferior to Latin either in courage, Greek or fluency, and surpasses all European languages: Italian, Spanish and French, not to mention German.

G. Derzhavin

As a material for literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones.

A. S. Pushkin

There are two kinds of nonsense: one comes from a lack of feelings and thoughts, replaced by words; the other is from the fullness of feelings and thoughts and the lack of words to express them.
A. S. Pushkin

Our beautiful language, from the pen of unlearned and unskilled writers,
is rapidly heading towards a fall. Words are distorted. Grammar fluctuates.
Spelling, this heraldry of the language, changes at the will of one and all.

A. S. Pushkin
Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct relationship, and give a phrase ease and proper sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notations. They hold the text firmly and do not allow it to crumble.

K. G. Paustovsky
Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Handle this powerful tool with respect; in skillful hands it is capable of performing miracles.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
A person's morality is visible in his attitude to the word.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
To handle language in a haphazard manner means to think haphazardly: approximately, imprecisely, incorrectly.

A.N. Tolstoy

In fact, for an intelligent person, speaking poorly should be considered as indecent as not being able to read and write.

Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

But what disgusting bureaucratic language! Based on that situation... on the one hand... on the other hand - and all this without any need. “Nevertheless” and “to the extent that” the officials composed. I read and spit.

A. P. Chekhov
Language is the confession of the people, His soul and way of life are native.

P. A. Vyazemsky
The Russian language is the language of poetry. The Russian language is unusually rich in versatility and subtlety of shades.

French writer Prosper Mérimée
The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.

A. I. Kuprin
Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why learning and preserving the Russian language is not an idle hobby with nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.

A. Kuprin
Follow the rule persistently: so that words are cramped and thoughts are spacious.

ON THE. Nekrasov
Everywhere literature is valued not because of its most vile examples, but because of those outstanding figures who lead society forward.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin
There is nothing sedimentary or crystalline in the Russian language; everything excites, breathes, lives.

A. S. Khomyakov
Before you is a community - the Russian language!

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Language, our magnificent language.
River and steppe expanse in it,
It contains the screams of an eagle and the roar of a wolf,
The chanting, and the ringing, and the incense of pilgrimage.

Konstanty Dmitrievich Balmont about the Russian Language
Pushkin language

We'll have no one to blame
When we can't save it,
What are you used to like the sun -
Great Pushkin language!!!
The price is only money and goods,
And the heart-rending cry is terrible for lies...
And they trample underfoot the wondrous gift -
Priceless Pushkin language!!!

But this is the fear of a temporary worker...
And life in the future is a moment!
Coming to the nations for centuries

Immortal Pushkin language!!!

Great and mighty, true and free
OUR RUSSIAN is a wonderful LANGUAGE! -
Cheerful, sparkling, cool, lively, folk,
HE expresses his thoughts directly!
In days of heavy thoughts, in days of terrible doubts,
When trouble creeps on our doorstep,
LANGUAGE does not die, it gains strength
And remains RUSSIAN forever!
IT contains the words: “dear”, “darling”, “holy”,
“Fatherly”, “Russian Earth” -
From home to home, from edge to edge
She belongs to the Russian heart!
English and German, Chinese and Turkish
Good languages, perhaps,
But... RUSSIAN is the most slender, rich, gentle, free
Contrary to temporary workers and thieves!
From ancient times to the present, the primordial spirit of Russia
Neither turmoil nor war can dissolve...
The enemies and their hirelings will be beaten here again,
But Rus' was, and is, and will live!
We think in Russian, we pray in Russian,
We go into battle to the Russian “Forward!”
LANGUAGE is the soul of the people, it survives all adversity
The word of our ancestors carries to our descendants!
LANGUAGE is its joy, with IT brother finds brother,
The powerful actor fears HIM.
THE GREAT RUSSIAN LANGUAGE is like an alarm bell!..
A VERB that unites people!
The people need the LANGUAGE, the LANGUAGE serves the people,
LANGUAGE is with the people everywhere and everywhere.
IN HIM is a brave Russian knight, in HIM is the Third Rome and Kitezh,
HE is in our Faith, in Truth and in Destiny!
HE inspires the Russians, HE calls them to battle
For the Russian spirit, for the triumph of the mind.
Long live Russia and OUR beautiful LANGUAGE! -

Russian bard

MBOU-Kokinsky secondary school

Vygonichsky district

Bryansk region



Developed by teacher

Russian language and literature

Lyamzina Irina Pavlovna

year 2013

Scenario for the holiday “Russian Language Day”

There are many different languages ​​in the world -

I couldn't learn them all

They are all beautiful in their own way,

Each has its own zest.

They speak French in Paris

Berlin speaks German;

My familiar Russian is dear to me,

For me, he is the only one who is dear.

Melodic, flexible and melodious,

He fascinated me since childhood

And it’s not in vain that the great and mighty

Turgenev called our language.

Developing quickly, dynamically,

Absorbing different words.

I took in the new very well,

But the wisdom of his ancestors is also alive in him.

And only in our Russian speech

You can sing about free Rus'!

Our Russian language will live forever

And I believe he will not be able to die!

Hello guys! In 2011, the President of Russia signed a Decree on the annual celebration of June 6Russian Language Day.The birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has been declared an official public holiday. Pushkin was the first of all who came so close to the Russian soul and became one with it. We are proud of such a great poet.Today we have an unusual holiday, we are opening the Museum of the Russian Language. The halls of the museum store unique exhibits.

Without wasting any time, I invite you on a tour. And here we have the first hall.

Hall of the History of Writing.

- We invite you to the “History of Writing” hall.

Man has always been interested in knowing how his ancestors lived, what they did, with whom they were friends, with whom they fought. How can you find out? Of course, from books. Writing became a means of telling about the past. But the letter was not born right away. There are three stages of writing development:

Often primitive people wanted to convey information about important events to their tribe. They diddrawings on stone. Writing with pictures is called pictography. We still use pictures to convey information. What do the pictures on road signs convey? Pictograms can be read by people speaking different languages. This is why they are widely used in the modern world.

Then the hieroglyphs appeared . The message was divided into parts, words into syllables, and each part was represented by a conventional sign-symbol. Hieroglyphs are used in China and Japan. A dictionary has been released in China with 20 million hieroglyphs and you need to remember all of them! How many letters do we need to remember? (33)

The third stage of development of writing - sound-letter . When each sound is represented by a letter. Sound writing is used by most peoples of the world, and it is done using the alphabet or alphabet. Alphabetic writing is almost 3000 years old. What is the alphabet? (An alphabet is letters arranged in a certain order.) Do you know the alphabet? Answer quickly - which word comes first in the dictionary: Monday or Tuesday ? Mathematics or literature? Autumn or winter?

Well done! I invite you to the next room...

Punctuation Hall.

  1. We are glad to welcome you to the punctuation hall!
  2. Before we begin our tour of the hall, guess the riddle:

What a marvel: if you look, it’s clean, if you look, it’s smooth, but if you start reading, it touches you everywhere.

  1. That's right, these are punctuation marks. The Russian language even has a punctuation alphabet. How many characters does it have?
  2. The count of punctuation marks turns out to be different: 10 marks are usually called, but in reality there are more.
  3. Now we will check whether you are familiar with punctuation marks.


The guys are holding upside down tablets with punctuation marks. After solving the riddle, they show their sign.

There is no end to the violent feelings: the young man has an ardent temperament! (! )

He will place his stick on the line: - Walk along the bridge... (-)

Always thinking about the meaning, he bent with the yoke. (? )

Words open their arms: - We are waiting for you to visit, dear brothers!()

He will go out onto the path and give everyone a leg up. (, )

Blocks the path, offers to rest. (. )

  1. There are a lot of stories associated with punctuation marks. Here is one of them. One barber ordered a sign indicating on it all the details of his profession. The painter made a sign, but forgot to put punctuation marks where necessary. When the visitors noticed this, they informed the barber. “I’ll fix everything myself!” - said the hairdresser and indeed, commas were added. In the morning people read: “Here are teeth, beards are pulled, smallpox is shaved, ulcers are inoculated, blood is destroyed, hair is grown, nails are curled, heads are cut, and people are washed.”
  1. Do you think visitors came to the barber? The correct option...
  1. Sometimes the use of one comma can cost a person his life.

Sketch “In the Kingdom of Punctuation”

Courtier (running in): Your Majesty, Queen Punctuation! A stranger has come to the kingdom! Uncombed, shaggy! And most importantly, he doesn’t recognize us, punctuation marks, he goes ahead ahead.

Queen : It’s okay, we’ll teach him a lesson, we’ll teach him to take us into account.

(Fedya enters, unkempt and unkempt)

Fedya: Everything is somehow strange here. Where am I? Who else is stopping me from passing? What a pea miracle! (Addresses the queen) Hey, cuttlefish, what's on your head?

Queen : (Adjusts the crown) - How dare you talk like that to me, to Queen Punctuation! For this you will be punished. What's your name, impudent one?

Fedya: Well, Fedya.

Queen: So, Nufedya, if you are so impudent, then maybe you are smart? Now we will decide your fate. Here's an offer for you. If you put the comma correctly, you will live; if you put it incorrectly, you will die.

Fedya: Yes, not me, but Fedya! Fyodor…………We found something to scare! Give us your sentence and a comma.

(The servants hold the proposal on the cards.)

Queen: Exercise. Place the comma in the correct place.

Fedya: ( puts a comma after a word) What a miracle! Who cares! Let's put it here...

Queen: Read what you got.


Queen : Servants, execute him. He decided his fate.

(servants run out and drag him aside)

Fedya: Oh, wait, let me think. Teachers at school even allow you to think. And in the game “What? Where? When?" That’s what they say: “A minute to think.” And here life is decided.

Queen: Okay, think about it. But look, if you make a mistake, you won’t get home.

Fedya: Well, where should I blurt it out? Think, Fedya, think. ABOUT! I guessed: You can’t execute, you can have mercy! Now you, the word “execute”, cannot escape from the word “impossible”, the comma is blocking your path.

Queen: Well, Fedya, well done. Servants, treat for the stranger!

Fedya: No need. I'd like to go home, if possible.

Queen: So is it necessary or not, and what is not necessary? In our kingdom they love accuracy. Where do you put commas in a sentence:

I don’t need to go home if possible

(the sentence is written on the screen)

Fedya (puts commas): No need, I’ll go home if possible.

Queen : Well, it’s clear now. Run, Fedya. You completed the task. Go and remember, you need to know the rules of the Russian language, you must strive to expand your vocabulary, you cannot neglect even a small comma, you cannot even stress the word. Otherwise this could happen... but you don’t have to go far... listen to the song(A song about reform plays.)

Look how fast time flies. We didn’t even notice how we approached the hall of parts of speech.

Hall of parts of speech

  1. We are pleased to invite you to the parts of speech hall.
  2. Our speech consists of many words. Words denote everything that exists in the world: objects, actions or signs. And sometimes you can see the whole picture behind the word.
  3. Say the word “darkness”, and you will immediately imagine evening falling on the earth and stars in the sky.
  4. All words in the Russian language are combined into large groups called parts of speech.How many parts of speech do you know? List...

The great writer M. Gorky considered language a subtle instrument, good knowledge of which is unthinkable without respect for language.

But to master this instrument well, you need to learn everything.

Queen : This is how it sometimes happens... It would seem that they speak the same language. But they cannot understand each other.

Courtier: The language is the same, Your Majesty, but people are different...they have different attitudes to the study of grammar... I have one friend Petka Lezhebokin...if only you knew his views on the study of grammar.

Queen: Can there really be any other views on learning one’s native language other than those that it must be studied, and diligently and diligently!

Courtier: It turns out there is. Listen here:


They asked Lezhebokin:
- Come on, tell me,
Why do you hate so much?
Don't like cases?
Once upon a time, all the schoolchildren
They know them by heart.
And in two years to learn
You're the only one who couldn't.
He answered angrily:

It's not my fault.
Let them, first, be scientists
Names will be changed.
After all, I am the instrumental case
I don’t teach on purpose:
And even more so
I don't want.
A case such as Dative,
I can't stand it since childhood.

Give, share something
I don't like it with friends.
Prepositional I hate:
So as not to learn a lesson,
Have to invent
Some excuse.
And for the Accusative case
And I'm really angry.
Father in all kinds of pranks
Always blames me.

Yes, it seems like a remake
Serious need.
I could do something new myself
Come up with names?

I came up with this a long time ago:
And finally, Forgivable!

Courtier : That's how lazy Lezhebokin is.

Queen And yet, guys, I believe that there are few such Lezhebokins among you.

Courtier: Certainly. of course...Our guests, Your Majesty. They succeeded not only in learning the Russian language. They also successfully study other languages.

Queen : Well done! What talent! They consoled me.

  1. Guys, name all the cases of the Russian language correctly.

Thank you for visiting our parts of speech hall and showing your good knowledge.

The next room we will visit is called

“Hall of Modern Russian Language”

This room will talk about the modern speech of young people, or rather about the violation of its content and purity. And so that you guys can understand everything, I invite you to take a look at one of the schools. So, imagine the beginning of the school day, two classmates meet...

Sketch “Foreign words”

Sasha and Vova come out to meet each other

Sasha: Hello, Vova!

Vova (casually). Fireworks, tree!

Sasha (perplexed). Oh, where's the tree?

Vova (explains). It's you, buddy.

Sasha. I’m not a root, I’m a guy... Vova, I actually wanted to ask, do you like our new classmate Sveta?



Sasha. What???


Well, no good! Sasha. Oh, what is this?

Sasha. Vova.

Well, no good! This means that her outfit is cool!

Sasha What is she thinking about and who is she picking on?

Vova Well, killer chick.

Sasha. (scared). Did she kill someone? Is she a killer? You should, but you can’t tell right away!

Well, no good! (dreamy) No! I mean, I'd like to hang out with her.

Sasha What is this - playing cards?

Well, no good! Not! This is to ask the laces to take time off and spend money on the disc.

Sasha. (looks at his shoes). What kind of laces do you have that you have to ask them for time off?

Vova I have iron laces; when necessary, they give me money.

Sasha. Your grandmother is kind, you say, she gives you pies?

Well, no good! (wearily). Listen, you're kind of purple today.

Sasha. I probably got my pen dirty.

Not at all! I say, when there are no laces in the glass, then you can gather in my hut with washcloths.

With washcloths in the house? (Confused) Is this in a sponge bath?

Vova (shouting). You're not coming in, what am I saying?

Sasha. I didn't go to the mill. Why do I need it?

Well, no good! Take off your ears. Something is bothering you today, dude...

Sasha. I ate sausage this morning, that's true.

Well, no good! Are you stubborn?

Sasha (indignantly). I didn't steal anything because I don't steal.

Well, no good! ABOUT! (He grabs his head) You just killed me with your stupidity.

(Sveta enters).

Light-coin. In fact, a world hanger. Hey baby!

Sveta (surprised). Hello, Vova.

Well, no good! Shall we go to the cinema? You can eat there at the buffet.

Sveta (backs away). I don’t understand you, Vova, are you sick?

Well, no good! No, your tambourine is just cute.

Sveta (not understanding) Who is the sweaty one?

Well, no good! No, you're actually great.

Sveta. And I left the class a long time ago.

Well, no good! Well, how about we go to the movies?

Sasha. Sveta, don't be afraid. I'll translate it for you. It seems that I have already learned to understand this foreign language. Vova says “do not refuse the courtesy, beautiful girl, come with me to the cinema”!

Sveta. I will go to the cinema, but not with you, Vova, but with you, Sasha. (Takes Sasha by the arm)

Vova enviously watches Sasha walking with Sveta.

Well, no good! I understand. Not everyone likes my language. He really is kind of strange...

Sasha. Won't you talk like that anymore?


I won't do it again. 2 presenter. Learned?

This is us! We are gradually turning into Ellochka - the Ogre from the book by Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”, whose vocabulary was about 30 words: “ho-ho”, “famous”, “rude”, “darkness”, “horror”, “just think” , “guy”, “wow”. 1 presenter.

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! 2 presenter

It's no secret that among young people there are many who you definitely won't understand without translators. But unfortunately, modern speech, when handled ineptly and carelessly, loses such qualities as content, accuracy, logic, expressiveness and, finally, correctness. I hope that after visiting the Museum of the Russian Language you understood this, and will protect your native language from “foreign words” so that this does not happen...

(Queen Punctuation, Queen Spelling, and their servants enter the stage. Queen Spelling has a letter in her hands and it is on the screen)

Queen Punctuation: Why are you sad, dear Spelling? From the moment you receive the letter, you are not yourself! Family problems? You are expecting someone to visit, but he doesn’t come. Maybe someone is not completely healthy? Isn't there an epidemic of illiteracy in school?

Queen Spelling: Yes, the letter puzzled me.

A letter came to me

I look -

From the camp, from Mishka...

“There’s a wonderful onion here, and I’m licking it,”

Written in a letter.

Is he licking the onion?! What miracles!

The rogue is probably joking...

“Here is a fox, a beautiful long rod.”

And what is he weaving?

I can’t figure it out, even if you crack it:

"When the squad goes on a hike, I sing songs...

The other day I found sadness in the fox and was very pleased..."

No, no, he's not joking! Afraid,

Queen Punctuation:

Your friend is seriously ill.

If he comes back, he needs treatment:

Make me learn the rules...

Queen Spelling: Yes, yes, I’ll go treat him.

I'll make you learn the rules!

Readers come out.

1st : “He who lives a real life,

Who has been accustomed to poetry since childhood,

Eternally believes in the life-giving one,

The Russian language is full of reason” (N. Zabolotsky).

2nd : Russian is the official language for 145 million Russians. This is the language of connection with the homeland for 30 million of our compatriots abroad.

3rd : Russian language is the language of Pushkin and Tolstoy, Gogol and Dostoevsky, Brodsky and Pasternak.

4th : The language of national pride and dignity!

1st: Back in the early thirties of the 20th century, the wonderful writer A.N. Tolstoy, admiring the richness of the Russian language, argued: “The Russian language must become a world language. The time will come (and it is not far off) - they will begin to study the Russian language along all meridians of the globe.”

Nowadays, the writer’s prediction has come true: the Russian language has become one of the widely known world languages.

2nd: Famous masters of the Russian word M.V. Lomonosov, A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgenev and M. Gorky highly valued the Russian language as the language of a great, talented people.

In his beautiful prose poem “Russian Language” I.S. Turgenev calls our language “great, powerful, truthful and free.”

3rd: In letters to young readers, he bequeaths to take care of his native language. He writes the following: “One last piece of advice to young writers and one last request...

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed on to us by our predecessors... Treat this powerful weapon with respect. In skillful hands it is capable of performing miracles!..”

This is us! We are gradually turning into Ellochka - the Ogre from the book by Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”, whose vocabulary was about 30 words: “ho-ho”, “famous”, “rude”, “darkness”, “horror”, “just think” , “guy”, “wow”.

“The word is a great thing,” wrote Leo Tolstoy. “Great, because with a word you can unite people and separate them, with a word you can serve love, and with a word you can serve enmity and hatred.”

Friends, the guys from our squad want to show you that they know and love the Russian language.


The clay is dry,

Nina got angry.

Not torment, but m u ka-

Science for cooks.

Words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently depending on stress are called... homographs. There are stress norms in the Russian language. Let's check how well you know these standards.

Task 1. Who will place the stress in the following words faster and correctly:


Let's all repeat together how these words are pronounced.

Task 2. Who can quickly and correctly classify words into genders (words on a projector)


SONIA, SLOB, IGNORANT, IGNORANT (general kind). Repeat

Task 3. Who will correct mistakes in words faster and correctly (words on the projector)

LIE (lay down), PAIR OF TOMATO(S), COOK(S), LIE (put), WHAT TIME IS IT? (what time is it), PAIR OF SOCKS (socks), THEIR NIY, FLOW (flow), WANT (want), PLAY.

Task 4. Choose the correct form of the word:




Leading. What mistakes do classmates, friends, and adults often make?

(WHAT (what), THEIR NOW, IF IN, THERE A, HERE A, HERE I AM, CALL, STERI S D O SKI (erase from the board), FROM SCHOOL (from school), SEND (let's go), NO U, RUN(runs) is the correct option

Task 5. Introduce yourself ed. A ctors. Correct speech errors.

1 In 2003, Vova went to study in the city. I took with me a pair of socks and several towels. In the city he made friends with drivers, and he was most interested in tractors and three signalmen, very young girls.

2. Everyone really likes the buns with jam that Klavdia Mikhailovna bakes. When they are fresh, they are more beautiful to look at. At the competition - the best O Vary - she took 1st place and was awarded a pair of boots and one pair of stockings.

Fedya: Guys, have you noticed how many foreign words there are in the Russian language:

I don't know what they mean. Help me again: I will name non-Russian words, and you will name Russian synonyms:




Anesthesia-pain relief





Racket blackmail

Task 6.

Find and explain the mistake MOTHER WEARS A NEW SUIT FOR CHILD

1 Presenter: Dress - put on - words - paronyms, words that are similar in sound.

“Dress”, “Put on”... These two words

We confuse so stupidly!

“Put on”, “Put on”...Let’s take a look:

Who to wear and what to wear.

Task 7. Indicate possible combinations by matching words from two columns in pairs.










  1. leading: A radio nanny came to visit us.(A song is played about violating the norms of pronunciation of indeclinable nouns)

Task 8. Make up phrases with paronymous words.





Fedya: Friends, do you know phraseological units? Now let’s check: I name a phrase, and you name a phraseological unit synonymous (wow, what word do I know!) with it:

Distant relative - the seventh water on jelly

Still young and inexperienced - the milk on his lips has not dried

Everything’s okay, nothing’s scary - the sea is knee-deep

Very smart - brilliant

Very little - the cat cried

To work poorly is to work carelessly.

It’s obvious to everyone - it’s written on the forehead.

1 Presenter : “Love for the Motherland is impossible without love for the native word. Only those who value their native word can comprehend with their heart and mind the beauty and greatness of our Motherland. A person who does not like the language of his mother... is a person without clan and tribe” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! . Still, it’s good that the guys know and love their language. We probably have no power over the speech of others, but we can change our own speech. Speech is our mirror, and let it not be dirty. Callous, rude words, abuse offend, insult. Let's respect each other.

This is us! We are gradually turning into Ellochka - the Ogre from the book by Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”, whose vocabulary was about 30 words: “ho-ho”, “famous”, “rude”, “darkness”, “horror”, “just think” , “guy”, “wow”. I propose to say spell words together that we will work on ourselves so that both we and our speech become purer.

Don't let your soul be lazy.

So as not to pound water in a mortar,

The soul must work

And day and night, and day and night!

Don't let her sleep in the bed

By the light of the morning star,

Keep the lazy girl in the black body

And don't take the reins off her!

If you decide to cut her some slack,

Freeing from work,

She's the last shirt

He will rip it off you without mercy.

There is a song about the Russian language

1 presenter . With this we end our holiday. Let our speech always be light, cheerful, colorful.


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Federal State Autonomous Educational

institution of higher education

"CRIMEAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY named after V.I. Vernadsky"

(Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky")


Scenario of an open extracurricular event,

dedicated to Russian Language Day

“And we will save you, Russian speech...”


teacher of Russian language and literature,

1st qualification category

Ageeva Ekaterina Valentinovna




1. Develop cognitive interest in learning the Russian language.

2. Summarize the knowledge gained while studying the Russian language.

3. Contribute to the development of creativity and enrichment of vocabulary among students.



    presentation “And we will preserve you, Russian speech...”

    excerpt from the film “The Twelve Chairs”,

    excerpt from the film “72 Meters”,

    posters with quotes from prominent people about the Russian language.

“There is no doubt that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world.”

(V. Belinsky)

“I would learn Russian only because no one really knows it.”

(V. Mayakovsky)

This is us! We are gradually turning into Ellochka - the Ogre from the book by Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”, whose vocabulary was about 30 words: “ho-ho”, “famous”, “rude”, “darkness”, “horror”, “just think” , “guy”, “wow”. If you want to argue with fate, If you are looking for joy in a flower garden, If you need solid support, Learn Russian!

2 presenter. He is your mentor, great, mighty, He is a translator, he is a guide! If you take your knowledge by storm, - Learn Russian!

3 presenter. Turgenev's vigilance, Tolstoy's vastness, Pushkin's lyrics are a pure spring. They shine with the mirror image of the Russian word. Learn Russian language!

4 presenter. Dear guests! Dear friends!Hereno random people. Those who love and appreciate the great and mighty Russian language have gathered here. It is impossible not to ignore Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who was born on June 6, 1799 and in whose honor the Russian language holiday is celebrated annually throughout Russia. Of course, our event today is dedicated to the native language “And we will preserve you, Russian speech.”

It is worth recalling that Pushkin’s main historical merit was his consolidation of the Russian colloquial language in literature.

Language is the most amazing gift that a person is endowed with. This is a powerful tool for a person in his work and creative activities. There are now more than two and a half thousand languages ​​in the world. The majority of humanity speaks in twenty languages. This number includes our Russian language, which is spoken by over two hundred and fifty million people (about 3rd place after Chinese and English).

The Russian language plays an outstanding role in the development of advanced social science, world culture, spiritual development and the rapprochement of peoples.

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! . Nowadays, more than 20 million people study Russian in different countries of the world. This means that every seventh inhabitant of our planet knows Russian. It is studied in Europe and America, and is studied by schoolchildren and students in Asia and Africa. The Russian language has become the language of development and strengthening of friendship and bringing together peoples of different countries.

The Russian word can be heard today on all continents, in the most remote corners of the Earth. The words of Alexei Tolstoy came true: “The time will come - the Russian language will begin to be studied along all meridians of the globe " Today, the peoples of the world want to know the Russian language - the language of peace, friendship and rich cultural heritage.

3 presenter . In “Letters of a Russian Traveler” Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin wrote: “Let there be honor and glory to our language, which in its native wealth, almost without any foreign admixture, flows like a proud, majestic river - makes noise, thunders - and suddenly, if necessary, , softens, gurgles like a gentle stream and sweetly flows into the soul, forming all the measures that lie only in the fall and rise of the human voice!

Decembrist Wilhelm Karlovich Kuchelbecker, in a lecture on Russian literature that he gave in Paris in 1821, said: “This is ... the current state of the Russian language: it is rich, expressive, free and harmonious.”

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote: “You marvel at the treasure of our language: every sound is a gift; everything is grainy, coarse, like pearls themselves..."

A.M. Gorky argued that “the Russian language is inexhaustibly rich and is being enriched with amazing speed.”

1 presenter . I present to your attention the modern author Mikhail Kryukov with the work “Many Different Languages ​​in the World,” read by Tatyana Ermashova.

There are many different languages ​​in the world -

I couldn't learn them all

They are all beautiful in their own way,

Each has its own zest.

They speak French in Paris

Berlin speaks German;

My familiar Russian is dear to me,

For me, he is the only one who is dear.

Melodic, flexible and melodious,

He fascinated me since childhood

And it’s not in vain that the great and mighty

Turgenev called our language.

Developing quickly, dynamically,

Absorbing different words.

I took in the new very well,

But the wisdom of his ancestors is also alive in him.

And only in our Russian speech

You can sing about free Rus'!

Our Russian language will live forever

And I believe he will not be able to die!

4 presenter . The works of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Chekhov and Bunin, Gorky and Sholokhov were written in Russian.

Our language is great and powerful, and all of us for whom the Russian language is native, all of whom it is dear, are responsible for its purity, correctness, accuracy, and expressiveness. The modern Russian language, having received a rich inheritance, is developing with amazing speed. His vocabulary wealth is inexhaustible. The richest possibilities of the Russian language allow its speakers to create new words as soon as the need arises.

I bring to your attention an excerpt from the film “72 meters” directed by Vladimir Khotinenko based on the story by Alexander Pokrovsky about the great and mighty Russian language.

( demonstration of a fragment from the film “72 meters” )

2 Presenter. In the history of the Russian people there is a proverb known to everyone: “Greeted by clothes - seen off by intelligence " It especially accurately indicates that in a person, first of all, it is necessary to value the intellect and his thoughts. And people express their thoughts using words.

The word is the most important means of communication, a subtle and flexible instrument with the help of which human thought is formed and expressed.

The world of words is diverse, interesting, fascinating and has not yet been fully solved, and is also inexhaustible, like space and the Universe.

3 Presenter. The word has the ability to generalize and at the same time designate what is individually unique.

« The word is a great thing , wrote Leo Tolstoy. –Great, because with a word you can unite people and separate them, with a word you can serve love, but with a word you can serve enmity and hatred ».

1 Presenter. This can be confirmed by the following historical example.

Aesop, the famous fabulist of Ancient Greece, was a slave of the philosopher Xanthus.

One day Xanthus invited guests to his place and ordered Aesop to prepare the best dinner. Aesop bought tongues and prepared three dishes from them.

Why do you only serve languages? - the surprised Xanthus asked Aesop at dinner.

“You ordered to buy the best,” he replied, “and what is more valuable to a philosopher than his tongue?” With the help of language, science is studied and knowledge is obtained; through it we communicate with each other, resolve various issues, ask, greet, make peace, give, receive, fulfill requests, inspire each other. With the help of language, cities are built, the culture of peoples develops. I think there is nothing better than language.

This answer pleased Xanthus and his guests.

A week later, Xanthus ordered Aesop to prepare the worst possible dinner. Aesop bought tongues again; everyone was surprised. Then Aesop said to Xanthus:

You ordered to buy the worst. Is there anything worse than language? Through language we upset each other, we scold, we lie, we deceive, we are cunning, we quarrel. Language makes people enemies, destroys regions, even entire states. It brings grief and evil into our lives... Could there be anything worse than the tongue?

They say that not everyone present liked this answer.

3 Presenter. The word is an amazing gift that only man possesses. There are a great many words in the Russian language. How many are there? No specialist or statistician can answer this question convincingly. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal collected 200 thousand Russian words in his explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary contains 57 thousand words. 20 thousand words were used in the works of A. S. Pushkin. In the modern world, new words and expressions are increasingly appearing - these are neologisms.

2 Presenter. But, unfortunately, correct speech has become rare. Why is the level of speech culture constantly declining, as is the level of general culture? Is it possible that the Russian language – so great and powerful – will become impoverished? And we will be content with a pitiful set of words from the vocabulary of Ellochka Shchukina, ridiculed by Ilf and Petrov? Her vocabulary was about 30 words. Here are some words that she meticulously selected from the mighty Russian language: “ho - ho”, “famous”, “rude”, “gloom”, “horror”, “just think”, “guy”, “wow”.

4 Presenter. A modern cultured person has an average vocabulary of 3 thousand to 6 thousand. Think about it, what is your vocabulary?

What helps us enrich our vocabulary? Of course, communication and good, smart books. The more words an individual has at his disposal. The richer his speech, the more freely, fully and accurately he expresses his thoughts, feelings, and moods.

To improve your speech literacy, read more. Your constant reading should be the best works of domestic and world literature. It was said long ago and wisely: “You can learn to speak well by reading those who wrote well ».

And now the guys will read you poems about the Russian language.

( Representatives from groups read poetry ).

1 reader

Did the cold burn, did the rain drizzle, -

Forgetting both pain and sadness,

Like a prayer, the language of Russia

I learned it by heart.

In it, it seems to me, by nature,

As in a life-giving root, there is

Freshness of conscience, juice of freedom,

Nobility, scope and honor.

Unparalleled language! No wonder

Pushkin thought and created on it.

S. Vasiliev “Russian language”

2 reader

Generous people's heritage -

I love our beautiful language.

I have been speaking Yakut since childhood,

Like his mother, he got used to him.

But sometimes, my friends, it happens

At the hour when I sit with a pen in my hand,

There are not enough new words for the song

To me in my not poor language.

Life goes on, ahead of the dictionary,

(So ​​many new things, events, feelings!)

Expressing your thoughts in Russian,

I learn a lot from the Russians.

Forever entered without translation

Russian Soviet words

Into the speech and soul of every people

As a spiritual relationship.

I have the key to all sciences,

I am familiar with the whole Universe -

It's because I own

Russian all-encompassing language.

Our language is the language of labor and light,

It is wide, and clear, and great,

The planet listens with excitement

Pushkin's immortal language.

S. Danilov “My Russian language”

3 reader

Why did I fall in love with the Russian language?

Why am I attracted to the Russian word?

For the fact that the wisdom of Pushkin for the first time

In the language of Russia I comprehended.

On it we found a worldwide route

Words: Freedom, Equality and Labor,

Words that speak to all the people of the globe

They are calling for the struggle for happiness on earth.

Why do I love Russia like a mother?

Why are you ready to give your life to her?

For the fact that during the years of battles and trials

She was able to defend her freedom.

And I am happy that through the years you are with me

Pushkin and Tolstoy walk through life,

What am I learning from Maxim Gorky?

Love for the people and the native land,

That I never tire of serving my Motherland,

What I owe to Mayakovsky's muse

I have a place in the poetic order!

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! . During the fiery years of the Great Patriotic War, the pen and the rifle were nearby. Essays and journalistic articles by Soviet writers were as terrible for the Nazis as volleys of Katyusha rockets. Hitler called the writer and publicist Ilya Ehrenburg his enemy No. 1 for his essays and articles directed against fascism.

3 presenter . Of the more than a thousand Soviet writers who went to the front, twenty-one were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, over four hundred died in battle.

Vsevolod Bagritsky,

Musa Jalil,

Mikhail Kulchitsky,

Vsevolod Leboda,

Evgeniy Petrov,

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! .

Arkady Gaidar,

Pavel Kogan,

Yuri Krymov,

Nikolay Mayorov,

Joseph Utkin

4 presenter . I would like to tell you a short parable about how they tried to preserve the Russian language during the Great Patriotic War.

Parable :

During the Great Patriotic War, many Russian women were sent to concentration camps along with small children. The children were selected and housed separately, taught German in the hope that they would forget their native language. And then the women made their way to the children’s barracks at night and talked to the children in their native language: “Look, these are the stars, and this is the night...” The children repeated the words in weak voices. Such night lessons were life-threatening, but mothers preserved their children’s language and fostered a love of their native word and faith. The Russian language, which was heard at night in the concentration camps, became a feat in the name of life.

1 presenter . During the Great Patriotic War, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova wrote the poem “Courage”:

We know what's on the scales now
And what is happening now.
The hour of courage has struck on our watch,
And courage will not leave us.

It's not scary to lie down dead under bullets,

It's not bitter to be left homeless, -

And we will save you, Russian speech,

Great Russian word!

We will carry you free and clean,

We will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity

Forever !

3 presenter . “...Enrich yourself with knowledge of the Russian language, read more, read such masters of verbal art as Pushkin, Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, Leskov, Bunin,” urged Maxim Gorky.

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! . Some people believe that in order to express their thoughts, feelings, desires, it turns out that you don’t need to know a lot of words. But judge for yourself how harmonious, literary, expressive and literate such speech will be.

( demonstration of a fragment from the film “Twelve Chairs” )

Unfortunately, in our lives there are similar “Ellochkas”.

4 presenter . The history of the Russian language goes back thousands of years. And it is not at all surprising that previously many words to which we have long been accustomed were translated differently or even taken from some other languages. But today people are only surprised at what interesting facts there are about the Russian language.

1 presenter .

The population of Russia speaks dialects. There are three of them in the country: the Central Russian dialect (Pskov, Tver, Moscow, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Nizhny Novgorod regions), the northern dialect and the southern dialect.

44% of the country's settlements have duplicate names. Most of them are formed from personal names: Aleksandrovka, Mikhailovka and Ivanovka.

46 settlements are named with a 2-letter word. For example, the village of Yb in the Komi Republic.

There are words starting with the letter Y, although this is the designation of rivers and settlements in Russia - Ygyatta, Yllymakh, Ynakhsyt, Ynykchansky, Ytyk-kyul.

The most positive names of the villages can be recognized as the villages of Khokhotuy and Dobrye Pchely.

3 presenter . Facts about letters.

*** There are currently 65 different alphabets in use around the world. The richest of them is Khmer, it has 72 letters, and the most economical is the alphabet of one of the languages ​​of Papua New Guinea, which only needs 11 letters.

The alphabet was invented by the Phoenicians, and the Greeks came up with the idea of ​​introducing vowels into it. The last major improvement to the alphabet was developed by Roman scribes in the 4th century AD: they separated uppercase and lowercase letters.

*** Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! .

The oldest letter is “O”. It was already in the Phoenician alphabet about 3300 years ago and has not changed at all since then.

The most common vowel sound in the world's languages ​​is “A”. There is no language that does not have such a sound. Also, oddly enough, the Russian language almost does not tolerate words beginning with the sound and letter “a”.

*** 4 presenter .

Open the volume of Pushkin: in most of his poems you will not find the letter “F”. In “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” there was only one word with the letter “f” - fleet.

The letter “hard sign” or as it was previously called “er”, now behaves quietly and meekly. But until recently, schoolchildren learning to read and write suffered terrible misfortunes from this letter. Before 1917, in the phrase “Then they wrote about the firm sign with anger and indignation...” it would have been necessary to put 4 “eras.” In the 1897 edition of War and Peace, there are 54-55 solid characters on each page. That's 70-odd useless pages! If you count all the books, it turns out that in Tsarist Russia about eight and a half million pages were printed annually, covered from top to bottom only with solid characters.

1 presenter . Interesting facts about letters.

In the 18th century, the exclamation point was called the "surprise point".

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! . Nobody knows why there are practically no words starting with A.

3 presenter . Trediakovsky proposed removing the letter Ш from the alphabet, replacing it with SC (disappear, happiness).

4 presenter . The letter C comes from the Greek letter sigma lunata, simplified for children.

1 presenter . The letter F is written only in borrowed words.

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! . At the height of the Battle of Stalingrad (1942), the order of the People's Commissar of Education made it mandatory to use the letter Y. The letter “ё” began to be used at the suggestion of the writer Karamzin.

3 presenter . The letter E was only included in the alphabet in the 18th century. If this had happened earlier, perhaps we would have said: Europa, Eva, eunuch.

4 presenter . There are only 74 words in the Russian language that begin with the letterY. But most of us only rememberiodine , yoga AndYoshkar-Olu .

4 presenter . An interesting article about knowledge of the Russian language.

Do you respect your native language?

The number of books read gradually turns into the quality of writing. Actively reading children discover by fifth grade that they don't need to know rules to write correctly. Others wade through Russian grammar, cursing its confusion and inconsistency.

Grammar should be taught at school. Then it’s too late.

What can you talk about with a person who, having a matriculation certificate in hand, writes “try”, “theirs” and “girl”? Who makes mistakes in “–tsya” and “–tsya”? What, other than blatant stupidity, prevents him, having written a verb, from mentally asking himself the question “what to do?” or “what does it do”?

Something about the author's punctuation. She doesn't exist. At least until the writer clearly understands how a complex sentence differs from a complex sentence, a participle from an adjective, in which cases a comma is placed before “as”, why in some cases it is necessary to use a colon, and in others - a dash.

No, this is not snobbery, because language is not a thing, not a personal quality, not a property, and certainly not a way to rise above others.

Language is another means of understanding the world, like sight or hearing.

Why do people who would never think of depriving themselves of their sight deliberately deprive themselves of their tongue? Where does this “why write correctly, we’re not in an exam” come from?

Why, when standing in front of the mirror in the morning, does no one think “I’ll put on sweatpants, we’re not at a fashion show” or “I won’t brush my teeth, we’re not at a fresh breath competition”?... Why do people who don’t think of depriving themselves of their hearing, Do they calmly say “with a creaky heart”? Where did they hear the heart creaking?

It’s absurd to make the excuse “but I know physics, and you?”

Language is not a profession. This is a means of communication. For physicists, mathematicians, linguists, artists, miners, turners. Perhaps the only reliable means of communication with the world.

1 presenter . The expression “The navel of the earth.” You often hear: “He considers himself the navel of the earth.” Where did the expression “navel of the earth” come from?

It should be noted that each nation determines the location of the navel of the earth in its own way.

The ancient Greeks believed that the navel was the center of the human body. According to legend, the father of the gods, Zeus, wanted to know where, in this case, the navel of the earth was located. He sent eagles from the two “ends of the world.” Flying at the same speed, the birds collided in the sky above the place where the city of Delphi later arose. It was he who began to be considered the center of the world.

According to Jews, for example, Palestine is in the center of the world, Jerusalem is in the center of Palestine, in Jerusalem there is a temple, and in the temple there is a stone, which is the navel of the earth. According to one version, the Lord closed the hole in the abyss of chaos for them.

And the inhabitants of Altai believe that the navel of the earth is somewhere in their mountains.

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! . Names that have become words.

The stories of the appearance of certain words in the languages ​​of the world are always interesting and entertaining. Particularly impressive are words whose origins are associated with very real historical figures, be they writers, scientists, rich people or entrepreneurs who invented, rebelled, traveled, did charity work, in other words, did not leave the public indifferent, and therefore their names became household names.

Words-eponyms, as etymologists call them, are found often, but we do not think about their existence or simply do not know.

Cardigan - was named in honor of General James Thomas Brudnell, the seventh head of the county of Cardigan, who is credited with the invention of this item of clothing for the purpose of insulating the uniform.

3 presenter .

Whatman - high quality white thick paper got its name in honor of the English paper manufacturer James Whatman, who in the mid-1750s introduced a new paper form that made it possible to produce sheets of paper without traces of grid.

Breeches - the name of the trousers is given by the name of the French general Gaston Galifet (1830–1909), who introduced them for cavalrymen. Later, riding breeches were borrowed by other armies, and even later they entered men's and women's fashion.

Guillotine - the execution instrument is named after the French physician Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, who, although he did not invent it, in 1789 first proposed cutting off heads using this mechanism, which was considered “more humane.”

4 presenter .

Olivie – the famous salad received its name in honor of its creator, chef Lucien Olivier, who ran the Hermitage restaurant of Parisian cuisine in Moscow in the early 60s of the 19th century.

Begonia - named after the French nobleman Michel Begon (1638-1710), intendant of the French colonies in the Caribbean, who organized a scientific expedition to the Antilles to collect plants.

Sandwich - named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718–1792), a London minister and player who, according to legend, invented it while playing cribbage. The game had already lasted for several hours, and the minister had not found time to eat. John Montague asked to be served between two slices of bread. His fellow players liked this way of eating while playing and they also ordered sandwich bread.

1 presenter .

Silhouette – Etienne de Silhouette (1709–1767), as Comptroller General of Finance in France under Louis XV, imposed taxes on external signs of wealth (doors and windows, farms, luxury goods, servants, profits). He stayed in his post for only 8 months. His name is associated with “cheap painting” - instead of an expensive portrait, it is cheaper and faster to outline a person’s shadow.

Interesting facts about the Russian language tell us how the word “nonsense” came into use. It has a very interesting history, which dates back to the end of the last century. Such a famous doctor as Gali Mathieu worked in France. He treated his patients with jokes! The doctor became so popular that he even served people by mail, sending them healing puns. This is how the word “nonsense” appeared, on behalf of the great doctor. Then it was interpreted as a healing joke. But now this word is translated completely differently. Nonsense, nonsense, stupidity, nonsense - these are the synonyms people choose.

Foul language, unfortunately, also becomes a disease. Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for swear words spoken in public? And the famous mother Maria from the monastery of Frol and Lavra said, turning to the young man: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.” This, it turns out, is how they saved our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you! . The great and mighty Russian language is considered one of the most difficult to learn. Among other things, there are also interesting facts that not all native speakers know.

In the Russian language there are words with three letters “e” - snake-eater, short-necked (as well as long-, crooked-).

3 presenter . In our language there is a term “spoonerism”. It denotes inverted phrases such as “dear respected, deeply respected”, “glass of champagne”, “glass of sober glass”.

The English use the mnemonic phrase “Yellow-blue bus” to remember the phrase “I love you.”

The word “week,” it turns out, originally meant a day of rest, a non-working day. And Monday, accordingly, is the day following the weekend.

4 Presenter . Remember that “the Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.”

Interesting facts about the Russian language are an interesting topic, but a few words must be said about a very global problem of our time. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that today, unfortunately, not all native speakers of the Russian language can correctly use certain words in their speech. They insert terms into sentences whose true meaning they do not know, place stress incorrectly, “swallow” letters or pronounce them unclearly. And some should think about this, since excessive (and, most importantly, massive) abuse of such illiteracy can lead to the degradation of the Russian language itself. And this will be a truly global problem.

Thank you for your attention!

Russian Language Day has been celebrated by the entire Russian-speaking world since 2011. Now, on June 6, they not only remember the anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin, but also share knowledge about the means of communication that he created - the literary Russian language. How not to turn this undertaking into a formality?

Who celebrates All-Russian Russian Language Day

First of all, this is a holiday for literature teachers. They have stopped calling teachers of Russian language and literature that way now, which is a pity. This is the entire writing fraternity, friends and enemies with “Glavred”, “Advego” and “Orfogramka” (online programs that edit text). These are library workers, quiet fighters against narrow-mindedness. These are writers, engineers of human souls. These are journalists, soldiers of the pen. These are poets, God's pipes.

On this day they have a lot of troubles: many events that they want to attend. These include performances by student theaters, original songs of bards around the fire, and games with words in the library. Moreover, you need to take part in the debate after the speech of the philologist researcher on the modern understanding of the word “impartiality.”

But they are not the only ones who are attracted by Russian Language Day. Readers have not yet disappeared like mastodons - those who cannot imagine their life without a book. Who writes letters to relatives, not SMS messages. Who composes congratulatory poems themselves, and does not buy a suitable postcard in a store.

Who loves Russian language

Once in a television program, A. Rosenbaum used a rare word, almost never seen anymore, preserved only in the dialect of a few localities that are considered to be the outback. The presenter immediately responded: “Why did you say that?” Maestro's answer: “I love the Russian language.”

Yes, a word in the wrong case can hurt the ear. Declension of indeclinable verbs blows your mind. Checkmate kills on the spot. But a rare phraseological unit, an elegant turn of phrase, a successful pun delights a true connoisseur of language.

Such a person considers Russian Language Day a personal holiday. In the morning he plays a recording of the song “My Coffee and My Contract”, then listens to the miniature M. M. Zhvanetsky about the Russian language teacher B.E. Dukker and takes a volume of Teffi.

But such lovers are one in a million. The majority are cannibals Ellochka, who manage to live their whole lives with a vocabulary of 30 words. Pushkin - 20,000, and here - 30. Cool. What to do?

All-Russian lesson “Russian Language Day”

There are several thematic lessons conducted in schools that greatly influence young hearts. This is an All-Russian reserve lesson, an environmental lesson, life safety lessons, kindness, peace. Now there is an All-Russian lesson dedicated to Russian Language Day. Prepare for it in advance.

A tournament may be announced at school, including various tasks for the children: linguistic games, charades and similar activities with words. For each class, the level of acquired academic knowledge is taken into account, so the options become more complicated for high school age.

On the day of the event, the general assembly tells about the creation of this holiday, rewards the winners of the tournament and coordinates actions. The children go to their classes, where the teacher conducts a lesson on “Russian Language Day.”

The lesson program is entirely the product of the teacher’s creativity. In some schools, this day was dedicated to a famous literary figure and they talked about him. In others, they played interesting games with words, and somewhere they read poems by Russian poets.

How to teach a lesson

A lesson dedicated to Russian Language Day can be combined. This way the kids will gain valuable knowledge and won’t be bored. In addition, the participation of as many students as possible in the tasks will only increase interest in the event.

The beginning of the lesson is a five-minute viewing of a selection of films where catchphrases are heard. Then discuss with students the phrases of famous writers that have entered folklore as proverbs.

Then the teacher gives an idea of ​​parlor games with words, explains the rules of the game "burime", explains the origin (from the French bouts-rimes, which means “rhyming ends”). You can give examples of the creations of Pushkin, who loved this game very much and composed it masterfully.

A small task - to write a Burima according to given rhymes - can be offered to students by dividing the class into two or three groups. The most successful ones are then published in the school wall newspaper.

Rhymes can be taken from the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, A.S. Pushkina, S.A. Yesenina.

Events dedicated to the holiday

On the day of the holiday, they remember the game of Ivan Klimenko, who proposed the “Russian word game” and which is now played by the whole world. Of course, schoolchildren will not play a real virtual game. But you can make their task easier by creating a simple version, like Erudite. This version of the game can be offered to both junior and senior schoolchildren.

This crossword puzzle is solved on the board, and on the teacher’s table the children take the missing cards with letters. After using the letter, the card is returned to the teacher and exits the game. During the compilation process, linguistic disputes are inevitable about which word can be inserted into a crossword puzzle. It is very educational and broadens your horizons.

Capable, creatively gifted children can delight with pantomime. The task contains a description of famous writers: appearance, some works, character of the heroes. The tasks are written on cards. The person presenting the pantomime chooses one of those proposed and tries, without using speech, to convey information to the guessers.

Antonyms and synonyms are another option for playing with words. Game scheme: the leader thinks of a word, for example, “loyalty.” He says: “My antonym is betrayal, my synonym is devotion.” Participants guess the word. The game requires task cards.

With such events, students will remember Russian Language Day for a long time. Successful burims that amaze with their complexity and beauty of phraseological units will enter the students’ vocabulary. This way the goal of popularizing the Russian language will be achieved.

Event plan

To hold a holiday, the level of preparation of students should be taken into account. Junior classes can participate by drawing themed pictures. The secondary school is able to perform poems. High school students can prepare a theater production.

Elementary School:

  • Drawing competition “Illustration for a work by a Russian writer.”
  • Competition of poems by Russian poets.

High school:

  • Sketch “Russian pun” in the stand-up genre.
  • KVN “Untranslatable pun” based on phraseological units.

Senior classes:

  • Reading competition “Living Pictures” based on the works of A.P. Chekhov.
  • Literary and musical scene based on the work of M.A. Bulgakov “The White Guard”.
  • Dispute “Russian language in the 21st century”.
  • Songs of bards - poems to music.

A costume ball of literary characters will end the day. At the ball there is a costume competition: each participant reads a riddle quatrain about himself. Mazurka, waltz, minuet sound. Demonstration performances of dancers.

The evening ends with the awarding of winners, certificates and valuable gifts. The photographer captures individual moments, then everyone sees his photo review in the school wall newspaper.

Winner's reward ceremony

Without encouragement, worthy competitions cannot be held. Praise means a lot to a child, especially at school. Certificates of honor “The smartest”, “The most well-read”, “The best illustrator” are an inexpensive award, but very important for the one who received it.

For the participants of the performance, a tea party is suitable as a prize: a cake with the inscription “To the Actors”. This can be organized by parents in the cafeteria. At the table, individual episodes of the performance will be recalled, and the guys will “let off steam.”

Pantomime is an original genre, the best gift is a photo of the stage process. The photographer could be an enthusiastic high school student. You can make a quick printout on paper from a digital device - and you will get an excellent memory of your school time.

If you use your imagination, everything will go great. Children love it when you work with them. Therefore, do not let the holiday take its course and do not turn it into a boring repetition of the rules of the Russian language. And they will remember the school with gratitude in the future.

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