Delphinium perennial growing from seed to seedlings. Delphinium - growing a tall beauty from seeds! Types of annual delphiniums

The attractiveness of this representative of the large buttercup family lies in its extraordinary beauty combined with the original shape of the inflorescences. But delphinium also has a significant disadvantage - it does not just require special attention. The flower is very capricious, so only a few grow delphinium from seeds at home properly.

But if you know some of the features of the delphinium and show due perseverance, the result will exceed all expectations, and the territory, after planting in open ground, will over time be transformed beyond recognition.

The classification of delphinium is quite complex. There are up to 40 species of annuals alone. Plus, there are differences in climatic conditions, soil characteristics in areas, and the like, depending on the region of residence. Therefore, everything stated below should be considered as general, albeit detailed, instructions for growing delphinium from seeds, planting and caring for it. Necessary adjustments to individual agrotechnical measures will have to be made in accordance with local conditions. Recommendations from experienced gardeners will also come in handy, so one of the keys to success is communication and exchange of opinions.

Many people face this problem. You can purchase planting material, ask your friends, prepare your own with the expectation of placing it in open ground next season - there are many options. But the process of storing seeds itself is one of the most interesting issues. In fact, it turns out that few people know how to organize it correctly.

One of the features of delphinium is that its seeds are stored completely differently from planting material of other plants. Even experienced gardeners who have never grown it before “stumble” over such a pitfall.

We know that for bulbs, seeds, cuttings of most crops that overwinter at home, the optimal conditions are a dark place, normal humidity, a temperature slightly above 0 ºС and reliable packaging (breathable or sealed, depending on the type of ornamental plant). With delphinium everything is different. Its planting material must be frozen, literally. Recommended upper temperature limit is -15 ºС. Under such conditions, seeds can be stored for more than 10 years. If the room is somewhat warmer, then the shelf life is significantly reduced - sometimes up to six months (at zero temperature).

If delphinium seeds collected this year are intended to be planted next season, you can store them in the cellar, vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, or in its winter version (under the windowsill). Even better, if possible, on the balcony. Planting material collected with your own hands is placed in glass jars that close tightly. But for long-term storage (for the future) this method is not suitable - only freezing.

What to consider:

  • When purchasing delphinium seeds for the first time, you need to make a purchase at a specialized retail outlet. The recommendation is banal, but it’s worth mentioning. As for the frequently encountered street stalls, flea markets and the like, taking into account the difficulty of growing delphinium and its fastidiousness, it is better to pass by.
  • It is advisable to focus on aluminum foil bags. Planting material in this packaging is stored much longer.
  • No less important is the information on the packaging - the period of seed collection and their expiration date. For them it cannot exceed 3 years. A responsible manufacturer will never specify a longer period.

Growing delphinium seedlings


Considering the conditions for storing seeds, you should focus on the end of February - the beginning of spring, since after planting in the ground they still need to “move away” a little from freezing. Consequently, active growth of the delphinium will begin no earlier than 2.5 weeks, or even later.

Container for seedlings

Knowing the required number of specimens that are supposed to be planted on the site, it is not difficult to decide on it - large plastic containers or boxes made of plywood (thin boards). The main criterion is the depth of the container. The recommended value is at least 10±2 cm. If this requirement is not met, then in cramped conditions (according to the thickness of the soil layer) the shoots will turn out sluggish and will not be able to develop properly.

Soil preparation

On most thematic sites dedicated to floriculture, it is recommended to purchase ready-made soil mixtures for plants in specialized stores. This is understandable - not everyone, especially if they do not have the proper experience, can accurately observe the required dosage of components, and in some cases this is quite a troublesome task. It’s not so easy with delphinium here either, and this is another feature of its cultivation.

Store-bought substrates are undesirable for him. Many of them contain peat, and in large quantities (with an overdose), and delphinium, to put it mildly, “does not favor it.” If the soil dries out a little, then a kind of crust forms in such soil, and it is quite dense. This is due to a combination of peat and humus. As a result, if you do not water or loosen the soil in time, the delphinium sprouts may die. The reason is clear - they will not break through the thickness of this layer.

In order not to complicate your life, you should prepare the soil for delphinium yourself, especially since this process is not difficult at all (in relation to this flower). All you need is humus, river sand and black soil, in equal parts.

What to consider:

  • If, as a rule, no problems arise with the first two components, then with chernozem it is more difficult. It is not available everywhere, and in this case it is replaced with garden soil. As an exception - peat. However, it is taken in smaller quantities (about ⅓ of the share of chernozem).
  • The sand must be thoroughly (repeatedly) washed.
  • To artificially increase the looseness of the soil, it is advisable to add perlite to it. Dosage: about 20 g per 1 kg of mixture. But if the sand is coarse-grained, this need not be done.

The main goal is to clean the soil mixture from fungal spores and weed seeds. That is, destroy them if they exist. To do this, prepare the prepared soil with a so-called water bath. Steam heating is done for an hour, no less.

After this, the soil is loaded into containers prepared for delphinium seeds and slightly compacted. In practice, this is achieved by watering it. After this procedure, the soil itself will subside somewhat. In addition, the reliability of the “coupling” of seeds with it will increase.

What to consider - some amount of soil mixture should be left in reserve. Why, it will become clear below.

Preparing seeds for planting

Even if they were purchased in a specialized store, prevention can only benefit them. Disinfection is carried out in a manganese solution, although another fungicide can be used. Concentration is at the average level. This will be visible by the shade - the potassium permanganate solution should turn dark pink.

  • Delphinium seeds are placed in a piece of gauze (folded into a bag) and immersed for about ⅓ hour.
  • Next – rinse under warm running water.
  • The next step is soaking the seeds in an epin solution. The product is sold in any store and is inexpensive. It is intended specifically for pre-sowing (pre-planting) seed treatment. The dosage is indicated on the packaging.
  • Drying planting material. Caution must be exercised here. The seeds should not dry out, otherwise they will become unsuitable for planting. Literally - dry it a little so that they don’t stick together.

Planting delphinium seeds

And this also has its own nuances, unlike most colors. Delphinium seeds are very small and dark. It is almost impossible to distinguish them against the background of the ground. The result is uneven distribution of planting material over the entire area of ​​the container with soil. To avoid this, experienced gardeners advise first pouring a thin layer of fine-grained sand onto it, white sand (it is often used in construction, so it is familiar to many). In this case, the required planting density will be maintained.

What is she like? A couple of seeds are enough for 1 cm² of surface. Based on this, you need to draw up a planting scheme, depending on the dimensions of the container selected for the delphinium.

What to take into account is that this flower is a great “original” in this regard. It grows much better in some cramped conditions. Therefore, observing the specified density is not only desirable, but recommended, otherwise part of the seedlings, perhaps a significant one, will then have to be discarded.

The planting of seeds ends by sprinkling the prepared soil mixture on top. It was for this purpose that its supply was left. If this is not done, then at the first watering the planting material will float and the planting pattern will be disrupted. A sufficient thickness of the top (covering) layer of earth is about 2.5±0.5 mm, no more. Otherwise, the germination of delphinium seeds is in question. At least a delay in their “pecking” is guaranteed.

The final stage is soil irrigation. After this, the containers with the planted seeds are covered with an opaque and dense material (burlap or something similar). If necessary, to ensure complete darkness, an additional black film is placed on top of the container.

If there are several containers, and different types of delphinium are planted in each of them, then the containers should be marked or tagged. Subsequently, this will help to properly design the area when transplanting flower seedlings into open ground.


The point of this event is to create conditions for delphinium seeds that are as close to natural as possible. This has a positive effect on their germination. What needs to be provided? Changes in temperature and humidity, that is, what planting material has to face in nature.

To do this, containers with seeds (as an option) are placed on the windowsill, above the heating radiator. To avoid intensive drying of the soil, it is advisable to move the container closer to the window glass. You can do it differently. The main thing is to take into account that the best temperature for the germination of delphinium planting material is about +12 (±2) ºС.

After 10 days there will be a change in temperature. A small container can be placed in the refrigerator (in the lower compartment). If there are several containers - in the cellar, on the balcony. The only condition is that the temperature should not fall below -5. The exposure is about the same - 10 days. Then - again to the same place, in the warmth.

What to consider:

  • If everything is done correctly, the first shoots can hatch within a couple of weeks. This moment cannot be missed. They need light. This means that the dark film from containers with sprouted seeds must be removed immediately.
  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil daily and water regularly. We must not forget about systematic ventilation - the most favorable microclimate must be created under the shelter.

Picking delphinium seedlings

As soon as a pair of leaves appear on the stems, the shoots can be planted. Calculating the capacity of the container is easy. There should be about 250 ml per shoot.

Seedling care

There are no big differences from other types of flowers, so the emphasis is on the main points of such work.

  • Soil irrigation. Young delphinium sprouts are so thin that the slightest external influence destroys them. Therefore, watering the seedlings as usual, from above, taking into account its density, is excluded. Only through the pallet, and nothing else. Moderation must be observed, as excess water initiates the appearance of “black leg”.
  • Temperature conditions. No more than +20 ºС.
  • Loosening. It is carried out regularly, especially after watering. Air access to the root system must be free.
  • Air procedures. As soon as the weather becomes warm outside, containers with delphinium seedlings can be placed under an open window, on a balcony, veranda, and so on. That is, gradually, increasing the interval, accustom the flowers to natural conditions.
  • Feeding. For delphinium, it is recommended to use the compositions “Solution” and “Agricola”, although these are not the only means. Fertilizer is applied to the soil no more than 2 times while the seedlings are in the container, with an interval of 2 - 2.5 weeks. The main condition is that the prepared solution should not come into contact with greens, especially delphinium leaves. Therefore, you should be careful when feeding flowers.

The need to plant delphinium on the territory can be determined visually. If the soil in the pot (container) has gathered into a ball and roots are starting to show through, it’s time. Naturally, if weather conditions permit.

The process of transplanting delphinium is also distinguished by its specifics. But this is a separate and rather voluminous topic, so it is not discussed in this article.

Good luck in growing delphinium seedlings!

Delphinium or spurn is a wonderful addition to your garden. Gardeners simply adore it. Candle-like inflorescences rise above other species and give the garden nobility and sophistication.

Delphinium flowers tolerate both drought and frost well. Terry buds of interesting shapes and shades will never add boredom to your garden.

Delphinium amazes with its variety of varieties and species, about 400 beautiful representatives. The color range of this plant is incredibly diverse, but the most valued in landscape design are the blue shades, which the spur is certainly rich in. Delphinium blooms 2 times a year, which makes it possible to double enjoy its beauty.

What does delphinium like, choice of location and soil

Delphinium is a plant that does not require too much effort to plant and care for. For successful growth and care of the delphinium, you need to choose the right place. This plant loves the sun, but is afraid of windy spaces. Therefore, we choose a suitable place for him.

Important! When planting a delphinium, make sure that it is in the sun until lunchtime, and then covered in partial shade.

As soon as you plant the delphinium, make sure that the soil is fertilized with compost or rotted manure, which will ensure abundant and rich flowering.

Delphinium tolerates the cold season well. It can withstand low temperatures, down to - 40°C. When planting delphinium, you first need to choose the right place. Dig up the soil and sprinkle with fertilizers, compost or humus. But all this must be done in moderation, since, although he is unpretentious, he does not respect acidic soil.

Did you know? The acidity of the soil affects the color saturation of the delphinium.

How to plant delphinium

Delphinium is grown in different ways. Some people plant seeds right away (fraught with late flowering and death of the seeds), while others first grow young sprouts in trays and then plant the future beauty in specially prepared soil.

The holes for planting spurs should be 4-5 cm deep. The distance between flowers must be determined independently, it all depends on the size of the future plant (20-30 cm). The soil that you removed from the holes prepared for young plants can be mixed with peat or rotted humus 1:2, filled with it at the bottom of the holes, and then the plants can be planted.

Important! When transplanting young plants, there is no need to cover the root collar with soil deeper than the soil level.

How to water and feed an extraordinary flower

Caring for delphinium is simple and pleasant. I am pleased with his unpretentiousness in almost all aspects of care.

Such a plant needs watering, weeding, fertilizers, pruning, and installation of supports. The flower survives the winter well, so it does not need sheltering or replanting in tubs. Delphinium begins to bloom in June.

During periods of drought, the spur needs watering, but we should not forget that it does not like stagnant water, so do not overwater it. You need to water at the root, otherwise if water gets on the leaves, the plant will get burned.

With proper care, delphinium blooms for up to 50 days. Every time you need to cut off the stems that have faded. With regular watering and pruning, you can also admire the blooming delphinium in the fall.

The plant is also periodically susceptible to various diseases and pests - rotten root collar, powdery mildew, wilting, viral diseases, spider mites, delphinium fly, etc.

The optimal period for delphinium growth is 3 years. You should not leave it longer, as the central core of the bush rots and the plant loses its floweriness.

Important!After the flowering season, you need to cut off the dead flowers, and then the delphinium will delight you with its beautiful appearance next season.

Rules for trimming and gartering delphinium

Delphinium pruning is divided into 2 stages:

  • In the first stage, when the shoots reach 20-25 cm, you need to break off the weaker and thinner shoots, and leave the strongest ones (up to 5 pieces). This is done so that the plant does not spray its resources on all the shoots, because there will be no beautiful flowers on either large or small ones. This is all that in this case requires caring for the delphinium in the spring and early summer.
  • The second stage is the post-flowering stage. It depends on whether you want to keep the seeds or not. You can simply cut the flower and place it in a vase, or you can leave the shoot until the fall so that the fruit is ripe for planting next year.

Important!After flowering, the decorative beauty of flowers and aesthetics are lost. This affects the look of your garden.

Delphinium also needs a garter. After you have thinned out the shoots and left the strongest ones, after 1.5-2 weeks, when the growth of the shoots is close to 0.5 meters, you need to start staking them.

Prepare long stakes in advance and install them around the spur bush. Then tie a plant shoot to each peg. Garters should be made of fabric, as twine can damage thin stems.

In autumn, when the leaves of the plant have already died, the shoots should not be pruned. They are tubular - and water can get in there, leaving you with a rotten plant in the spring.

Important!When installing stakes, be careful that they do not damage the rhizome of the plant.

How to propagate delphinium

The species of delphiniums is very large and diverse. There are perennial, annual and crossed species. The most optimal and widespread is considered to be the crossed or cultivated spur. Delphinium is propagated in the traditional and, as you know, most accessible way - by planting delphinium from seeds, as well as by dividing the root itself. Delphinium should be cut half-bloomed, then it will stay in your vase for up to 12 days.

Rhizome division

At any age, the spur does not like this type of reproduction. Even if you divide young seedlings rather than an adult plant, some of them will likely die. When dividing the root, you need to approach the work with maximum delicacy. When dividing the rhizome, do not use a shovel and simply divide the root in half. The plant will definitely die.

To divide the root, you need to dig it up in early spring or autumn and carefully, without damaging the buds, separate it with your hands or cut it with a sharp knife. And those places where the plant was damaged must be treated with ash.

Interesting fact! Light varieties (pink and white) are most sensitive to such propagation.

Planting seeds

Delphinium is a very interesting plant; its cultivation can begin not only by dividing the rhizome, but also from seeds. Propagation by seeds is the most accessible method. If you want to plant delphinium seeds, this must be done in March. The most optimal temperature at which you can plant and germinate delphinium is +12- +15. Seeds should be sown in boxes and pots rarely, at a comfortable distance, as they do not like cramped spaces. There are no special care requirements for such seedlings; as usual, you just need frequent watering.

Plants should be replanted in June, but you can speed up this process a little and transplant them into “nursery nurseries” in May, where you can keep them until the next season, and in the spring, strong, healthy individuals can be transplanted to convenient permanent places.

In the first year, when propagated by seed, the plants bloom weakly. At this time, they grow rhizomes and greenery. In the second year, the delphinium will delight you with its color 2 times - in July and August (it all depends on the variety). If you decide not to bother with seedlings and plant the seeds directly into the soil, then you should be prepared for this. First of all, you need to prepare the place where you will plant the seeds. Fertilizer should be applied to this area, possibly with wood ash, and dug 30 cm deep.

This sowing is done in so-called seed beds or furrows. They need to be watered generously before planting. Spur seeds should be planted rarely in these grooves, and carefully tamped down with your hands. To speed up the germination process, these ridges need to be covered with non-woven material or film. Then after 20-25 days, with moisture every 2-3 days, the first sprouts of delphinium will appear. After this, you can remove the cover.

One of the brightest representatives of tall perennials is the spectacularly blooming delphinium. It attracts attention with its unusual shape and rare shades of flowers: pink, blue, soft white. Growing from seeds will require experience and knowledge. In general, the requirements for caring for delphinium are the same as for other subtropical flowers. It can be sown in open ground in the fall, but most gardeners recommend planting seedlings at the end of winter, at home, to protect the flowers from unstable snow cover and a protracted spring.

Short description

Delphinium from the buttercup family is also called spur. There are both annual and perennial varieties. Flower growers love the plant for its very beautiful flowering and increased endurance. Delphinium grows well even in dark places and tolerates light frosts without serious consequences. However, growing this crop is labor-intensive, so it is rarely possible to find it in gardens and flower beds.

Important! Delphinium is a herbaceous plant in which all parts are poisonous. Once in the human body, the toxin depresses the central nervous system and disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to wear special protective gloves when caring for this exotic flower!

Where is the best place to buy seed material?

Only experienced gardeners and breeders know how to properly store seeds of exotic plants. You should know that you cannot keep them at room temperature, as they lose their viability. It is best to place planting material in a refrigerator or special chambers in which the temperature does not exceed zero degrees.

Delphinium seeds sold in stores or markets in most cases (60-80%) do not sprout. And it’s not the fault of the gardener who planted them in the wrong substrate or applied the wrong fertilizer - it’s the seeds themselves. In non-specialized retail outlets, sellers do not adhere to the technology of storing exotic flowers. Having packaged the seeds in paper bags, they simply place them in a warm place. As a result, there are no shoots, the money spent is lost.

A good option would be if you purchase delphinium seeds from people who breed them. It is necessary to cut brown boxes from healthy and sufficiently developed bushes. The pronounced dark brown color indicates the maturity of the planting material. You can pick the boxes that have just begun to show brown spots, but then they need to be placed in a cool room and kept until the shade completely changes.

From the ripened pods, the seeds must be carefully poured onto a sheet of paper, dried and placed in a glass container. The jar should be placed in the refrigerator or freezer or taken out to the veranda/balcony. In this way, the seeds can be stored for 15 years. Then you will need to “wake up” the delphinium, i.e. carry out stratification.

When to plant seedlings

You can sow these exotic flowers:

  • in the fall, as soon as the flower seeds are collected;
  • before winter - in open areas (after the ground freezes);
  • if delphinium is grown from seeds for seedlings at home, then it is better to plant it in the second half of February.

Preparation of materials

In order to grow seedlings, you will need seeds and soil of a certain composition. Growth stimulants will also help, as they will make the stratification process more successful.


In order for the plants to grow well-developed, luxurious flowers, it is recommended to properly prepare the seeds. For this:

  1. Prepare a disinfectant solution from potassium permanganate or fungicide (Fitosporin, Maxima), diluted with water according to the instructions in the instructions.
  2. Place the seeds in a fabric bag and immerse it in the working solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Take it out and rinse off the remaining disinfectant liquid under running water.
  4. Place on a small plate and soak in settled water. There should not be too much liquid; 2-3 drops of a growth stimulator (Zircon, Epin) must be added to it.
  5. After one day, drain the liquid and place the seed material on a damp cloth in a thin layer.
  6. Roll the fabric and place it in a plastic container.
  7. Place the container in the refrigerator and periodically add 10-20 ml of water to it. It should only cover the bottom of the fabric roll. If there is too much liquid, the seeds will rot.
  8. An alternative to water is wet moss, which is used to transfer fabric rolls with seeds, after which the material is placed in the refrigerator.
  9. Stratification lasts a week, and when the embryos hatch, move the workpiece to the windowsill and keep it under phytolamps for a couple of days.
  10. Plant the germinated delphinium in an open area or in containers filled with fertile soil.

The described method is suitable for planting seedlings in February and is designed for growing at home.

Another way to prepare seeds:

  1. Soak the seed in early spring and wrap it in gauze.
  2. Place in a plastic bag.
  3. Bury it in the ground.
  4. After 1-2 weeks, remove and plant in the ground.

The best time for this method is April, when the snow began to melt. Temperatures can range from –5-10 to +3-6° C.


Planting perennial delphinium requires preliminary soil preparation. You need to take garden soil and mix it with peat and humus in equal proportions. It is recommended to add a small amount of perlite to the mixture (0.5 cups per 5 liters of soil) to make the soil structure looser. This will also help retain moisture in the soil.

Preliminary soil preparation includes not only the creation of a fertile substrate, but also its steaming for the purpose of disinfection. The procedure is carried out using a steam bath for one hour. Such soil will be completely safe for seed.


Spread the delphinium seeds evenly over the prepared soil. The sown flowers should be sprinkled on top with fertile soil, the layer height should not exceed 3 mm. After this, lightly compact the soil so that when watering the seeds are not lifted by water. Finally, you need to spray the delphinium evenly with warm water from a spray bottle.

Advice! If planting granular seeds, use tweezers for convenience. And in order not to forget in the future where which variety was sown, it is recommended to stick labels with the names of the flowers on the containers.

Considering that the exotic giant grows better in the dark, it is advisable to cover the crops with a special covering material, black film or a regular plastic bag. It is also possible to simply place the containers in the dark until the first shoots appear.

In order for the seeds to germinate well, it is not necessary to maintain a high temperature in the room; +10° C is enough for them. You should not raise the temperature to +20: there is a high probability of destroying future seedlings. It is recommended to harden flowers to increase their level of endurance to negative environmental factors. The procedure involves alternating temperature conditions - cold / warm.

Shoots should be expected to emerge after planting in 7-10 days. As soon as they appear, you will need to remove the covering material. After the true leaves appear, the delphinium must be pruned.

Features of picking delphinium from seeds

To spread the sprouts, you can use the same substrate as when planting, but it is advisable to add 1 spoon of complex mineral fertilizer to it.

Picking process:

  1. After mixing fertile soil with fertilizer, spread it into small containers and pots.
  2. Moisten the soil and make a hole in the center.
  3. Using a small spatula, carefully remove the seedlings from the seedling container.
  4. Transplant them into prepared containers.
  5. Sprinkle the roots of the plants with fertile soil up to the root collar.
  6. Water carefully so that young roots are not exposed. If necessary, you need to sprinkle them with earth.

After the plants have gotten a little stronger, they need to be hardened off in the fresh air. After two weeks of such events, the flowers are ready to be transplanted into the open area.

Popular varieties of delphinium

Among floriculture lovers, the most popular varieties of delphinium are:

  • Marfin hybrids from Russian breeders, who are distinguished by a high degree of winter hardiness and pronounced decorativeness. The height of the stem is within 180 cm, the inflorescences occupy 100 cm. The plants attract attention with their semi-double large flowers of various colors.
  • Hybrids Belladonna, bred as a result of crossing tall and large-flowered varieties. This is a variety of Dutch selection, characterized by tall growth, their height can reach 2 m. The inflorescences are short, branched (paniculate), consisting of 5-20 large flowers. Mostly these are flowers with blue, blue or white eyes. The flowering period is long.
  • Elatum hybrids are tall plants, their height is 150-180 cm. The flowers are quite large, semi-double. The inflorescences are moderately dense, with a blue-blue color.
  • Pacific hybrids. Delphinium was bred in the USA, has a tall stem, large inflorescences and flowers. The bushes surprise with their luxury; they can grow for up to 6 years. Standard care, support required.
  • - the most popular hybrid, highly decorative. The plant has very large dense inflorescences, the purest color of various tones. The New Zealand delphinium is not afraid of low temperatures, is durable, and does not lose its original qualities during reproduction.

Delphinium is a real exotic decoration for any garden. Tall plants with large, bright flowers immediately attract attention. To grow them from seeds at home, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology.

How to grow delphinium, larkspur (also colloquially delphinium, or spur) includes several hundred annual and perennial plants, many of which are very decorative - the plant has been part of garden culture since the 17th century, delighting with a variety of varieties and colors, as well as unpretentiousness .

The best ways to propagate spurs are by cuttings or seeds. But when dividing, there is a high risk of injuring the rhizome, so if you grow varieties and hybrids of delphinium that are valuable to you, it is better to practice its cultivation through seeds and seedlings.

Delphinium seeds can be purchased at a specialized store if you trust the manufacturing company, or you can collect them yourself if you already have this wonderful flower growing on your property. The second option, as experienced gardeners note, is much preferable, because at the slightest violation of storage conditions, collecting seeds from old plants or improper storage period, purchased delphinium seeds with a high degree of probability may not sprout at all; delphinium seedlings from your own seeds are more reliable.

The multi-leafed plants ripen in the fall (a little earlier or a little later, depending on the species and variety). “Bolls” with seeds indicate their maturity by drying out and turning brown, and they need to be collected only in dry weather.

Even delphinium seeds collected from a healthy plant and in suitable conditions have a “shelf life” of only 11 months, and when stored in warm, dry conditions, they generally quickly lose their germination. Therefore, they need to be stored in a cool place at a temperature of about 0°C (for example, in a paper bag on a refrigerator shelf).

We have already written about all sorts of options for containers for seedlings, some of which you can even make yourself.

All of them are suitable for growing delphinium - low, wide boxes, plastic pots, special cassettes. It is best to water the seedlings through a tray, so you need to make holes in the bottom of the containers.

An excellent choice would be peat tablets, with which you will then plant plants in open ground, because... Spur seedlings tolerate transplantation quite painfully. It is only important to ensure that the peat filler is not overly acidic.

Remember also that delphinium seedlings really do not like acidifying soil and large space for the root system - so you should not choose containers that are too large.

Before filling the soil, do not forget to thoroughly wash and disinfect the selected container.

Preparing soil for growing delphinium from seeds

The selected containers must be filled with soil for future seedlings (if you do not have the individual peat tablets described above), retreating approximately 1 cm from the top edge.

For delphinium, non-acidic and light soil, with good moisture and air permeability, is suitable. For example, a self-prepared mixture of peat, turf soil, humus and coarse sand (1:1:1:0.5). All components are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting mixture can be loosened by adding a third of a glass of perlite. If you see that the soil is too oily, you can add ground dry straw or chopped dry herbal compost.

On a note! From store-bought options for spurs, special light soil mixtures for seedlings or soil for succulents are suitable.

Before filling the prepared soil into containers for growing, it is necessary to disinfect it from possible fungal spores and weed seeds - heat it for 1 hour in a water bath and spill it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (as an option - Fitosporin or Fundazol).

Preparing delphinium seeds for planting

Preparing delphinium seeds for planting.

Before sowing delphinium seeds, you should prepare not only the containers and soil for them, but also the seed itself.

As you remember, after harvesting they must be kept in the refrigerator at all times. Before sowing, they need to be disinfected. To do this, the seeds are taken out of the container in which they were stored, and, poured into a gauze bag, dipped for 20 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate (or any other fungicide - Maxim, Fitosporin, etc.). After this, the bag is washed with cold running water and, to stimulate growth, soaked in Epin solution for another day. At the end of the procedure, the delphinium seeds are laid out on a paper towel and dried.

It is best to plan sowing delphinium seeds at the end of February.

Not very large seeds, slightly deepened, are evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate prepared as described above, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top (so that during the first watering they do not end up on the surface) and sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

Stratification will help the seeds germinate faster, so the sown containers are covered with opaque dense material, wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the refrigerator, on the balcony or taken outside for 10-14 days. The seeds can easily withstand temperatures down to –5°C.

The first option is preferable - this way it will be convenient for you to monitor the seeds, because there are times when they begin to hatch already in the process of stratification. Usually this happens on the tenth to fourteenth day.

When the first shoots appear, the containers should be opened and be sure to be moved to a bright place with a temperature of 15-18°C (but in no case higher than 20°C, otherwise the seedlings will die).

Caring for delphinium seedlings in the first days after germination

After the first shoots appear, a period of active care for the delphinium begins.

First of all, the seedlings of this plant must be illuminated, even if they are standing on the windowsill. It is important to monitor the soil moisture and not allow it to dry out - watering at the root (this can be done with a syringe) should be moderate but sufficient. The soil on the surface of the pot should always be loose and moderately moist.

Do not forget about the temperature regime; you need to ensure that the air in the room does not exceed 20°C.

As soon as the real first 2-3 leaves appear, the delphinium sprouts should be planted in a container with a volume of at least 300 ml. In this process, plants are buried in the soil to the point where true leaves grow.

A couple of weeks before planting the delphinium in the ground, it is advisable to feed it with Agricola or Mortar (combining feeding with watering), and also begin to harden it little by little, from time to time taking it out into the fresh air and gradually increasing these time intervals.

Grown-up delphinium seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of May, when the ground has warmed up and the threat of return frosts has finally passed. Young plants must be shaded and carefully protected from pests (slugs especially like to feast on seedlings).

With proper further care, you can expect the first flowering of seed-grown delphinium by the end of August.

Growing delphinium seedlings from seeds at home is a great way to guarantee healthy and strong plants. And although you will have to tinker a little with germinating seeds, the large, bright, exceptionally elegant candles of this plant will in the future pay off all your efforts a hundredfold.

To create an original composition of bright flowers at their summer cottage, many summer residents grow perennial delphinium. It amazes with its colors and grandeur. If you look at it from the outside, it seems that giant candles with multi-colored lights have appeared in the garden. Despite this, the plant is not difficult to grow at home. The main thing is to adhere to the basic principles of planting a flower. What is the king of the country flower bed - delphinium? Are there any specifics to growing it? The answers to these questions will help you fall in love with the unique creation of nature.

History of the name and main characteristics

Almost all names and titles have their own mysterious history. Delphinium is no exception. One of them sounds something like this.

Many centuries ago, when the mythical gods of Greece controlled every human action, a talented sculptor lived on earth. His beloved girl died tragically. To find solace, he made a statue of her out of stone, and then brought her to life. The evil gods did not like this act, and they turned the romantic into a dolphin. The girl cried bitterly on the seashore, hoping to see her lover. After a long time, a dolphin swam to her and placed a pretty blue flower on her lap. It was named delphinium as a reminder of true love.

There is an opinion that the flower got its name due to the fact that when unopened it resembled a dolphin. It is often known as larkspur or spur. An adjacent variant of the plant (annual, perennial) was combined into a group whose name is Sokirk. Some gardeners believe that the flower is named after the Greek city of Delphi, where it grows in huge quantities. Whatever the story turns out to be true, it does not detract from the splendor of the garden beauty.

Today, approximately 450 species of the majestic flower are known. The habitat extends from China to the tropics of the African continent. Unique photos of delphinium help you see the flower in all its pristine beauty.

The plant belongs to the Buttercup family. The bud is quite large in size. Sometimes it can reach 2 meters. The inflorescences are located along the shoot and resemble a standing candle. Available in the following shades:

  • sky blue;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • snow-white;
  • lilac;
  • red;
  • pink.

Perennial and annual varieties are grown, mainly from seeds. The most popular annual varieties have long been loved by flora connoisseurs.


The plant was bred by combining two varieties of delphinium. The result is an original flower up to 100 cm high. The sessile leaf plates have a dense cross-section. The inflorescences in the form of a huge spike grow approximately 30 cm and come in a variety of shades.

Fans of miniature plantings grow dwarf varieties that grow only 35 cm from the ground. Delicate terry buds are painted in bright colors and bloom until the first frost.


The annual delphinium flower has been cultivated since 1572. Grows up to a height of 2 meters. The buds can be simple or lushly terry. A touch of traditional character. Blooms in June. The last “lights” at the beginning of autumn.

Delphinium perennial

Scientists began breeding perennial varieties in the 19th century. As a result, a number of original species appeared:

Today, gardeners grow perennial delphinium of various types. The main feature is the unique shades of the buds. There are about 800 variations. Inflorescences are of a simple nature, double and semi-double. The diameter of the flowers is from 2 to 9 cm.

To create garden flower beds, breeders offer flowers of different heights - low-growing options, giants and medium-sized plants.

Depending on the area of ​​origin, the flowers of the perennial hybrid delphinium are divided into three main groups: Marfin, New Zealand and Scottish. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Marfin group of delphiniums

For example, plants of the Marfin group can withstand low temperatures. They are distinguished by their unique decorative effect. Large semi-double inflorescences are decorated with contrasting spots reminiscent of the human eye. These include the following varieties:

It is almost impossible to grow flowers of the Marfin group from seeds. The main reason is that they do not preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant.

New Zealand group of delphiniums

Delphiniums, which belong to the New Zealand group, can grow up to two meters in height. They differ in double and semi-double buds. Some species have corrugated petals. Flowers are resistant to disease, are not afraid of cold, and are perfectly preserved when cut. The most common types are valued all over the world:

  • "Sweethearts"
  • "Pagan Purples"
  • "Sunny Skies"
  • "Blue Lace";
  • "Green Twist"

Their majestic beauty never goes out of style. This is the beauty of flowering plants.

Scottish group of delphiniums

Scottish delphiniums attract attention with their original super double buds of various shades, which sometimes have about 60 petals. If the plant grows up to one and a half meters, then the inflorescence occupies 80 cm of total length. The perennial is unpretentious to weather conditions.

If you practice growing from seeds, delphinium retains its varietal parameters. The following popular types are known today:

  • "Sweet Sensation";
  • "Blueberry Pie";
  • "Deepest Pink";
  • "Morning Sunrise".

Truly beautiful masterpieces of creation. But are there any secrets to growing delphinium from seeds at home? Let's try to figure it out.

The main principles of growing a flower

The first step is to prepare suitable soil for planting the plant. It is best to mix garden soil and humus in equal quantities. Add sifted sand (half of 1 part), perlite (0.5 cups per 5 liters of soil) and hold the mixture over the steam of a water bath for 60 minutes. During this time, seeds of various weeds and fungal spores will be destroyed.
Now you can put the soil into containers and start planting delphinium seeds.

In order for the flowers to germinate successfully, it is advisable to put the planting material in a gauze bag. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate, then drop the seeds into it. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse under running water and refill with special epina liquid, which is sold in flower shops, for a day. Dry the seeds before planting.

Planting material is carefully laid out on the soil surface. If different varieties are used, paper plates with the name and date of planting are attached.
The seeds are covered with a layer of soil of approximately 4 mm. Lightly tamp so that the grains do not float when watered with warm water.

The basic principles of how to grow delphinium from seeds imply careful care of the crops. To do this, the containers are covered first with transparent film and then with black film to speed up the growth process. The container is installed near the window, preferably right next to the glass.

The optimal temperature should not exceed +16 degrees, not lower than 11 degrees Celsius.

Depending on when to plant delphinium in open ground, the process of growing from seeds can be accelerated. To do this, containers with planting material are placed in the refrigerator, on the veranda or loggia. It’s not scary if the thermometer drops below 6 degrees below zero. After 14 days, the containers are again placed on the windowsill next to the glass. Thanks to such procedures, the first shoots appear after 7 or 14 days.

As soon as greenery appears in the containers, the transparent and black film must be removed.

Since the seeds of this majestic flower are very capricious, they need to be seriously prepared for sowing. Stratification of delphinium at home is done using a small roll of fabric. The material is cut into strips, moistened with water and planting material is laid out in paths. After this, the edges of the strips are bent from the inside closer to the center. Then the fabric structure is rolled up and secured with soft wire.

A little liquid is poured into a small container to maintain optimal humidity. The rolls are dipped into it without touching the surface of the water and kept for several days. At the same time, they try not to block the constant access of air. As a result of this procedure, the similarity of the delphinium increases.

Secrets of breeding garden beauty

Many flora lovers prefer to decorate their area with large flowers. Some people plant peonies, others like roses. An unsurpassed ornamental plant with bright buds on erect shoots has won the hearts of true gardeners. They come with the original fringe and without it. The diameter of an individual flower can reach 10 cm. In the lower part, the shoots are covered with wide green leaves.

Growing a unique flower from seeds called “New Zealand giant delphinium” requires the following operations:

The bag must be ventilated daily to maintain maximum seed germination. Some gardeners use special sphagnum moss instead of bags, where the material swells well.

When the seeds are ready, you can use them to sow delphinium seedlings in special containers. The plant grains are placed in holes 3 mm deep and covered with a small layer of earth.
Can be lightly tamped. Then the container is covered with film or plastic bags are placed on it. In this form, place it in a warm place. If the house is warm, you can put it on the windowsill. After 3-4 days, the containers are placed in the refrigerator overnight. After two weeks, the first shoots appear. As soon as this happens, the film is immediately removed.

Sometimes flora lovers have a question: when to sow delphiniums as seedlings in order to successfully grow flowers. Experienced gardeners advise doing this in late March or early April. It will not be too late to grow seedlings even in May.

Seedlings that have grown three full leaves dive. But you should prepare for the procedure in advance. Loose soil is collected in disposable cups and heated to room temperature. Then, one seedling is placed in each container so that it can take root well.

To prepare the plant for growth in open ground, it must be hardened off. To do this, the containers are periodically taken out into fresh air. Immediately before planting, the sprouts are fertilized with fertilizer.

There is an opinion that annual delphinium is less capricious when grown from seeds indoors. Perhaps this is true. After all, the plant differs from perennials in that it blooms much earlier. It has small buds and grows only up to a meter in height, while perennials are found in gigantic sizes.

The seeds must be fresh or stored in the refrigerator. Since flower seedlings develop rather slowly, delphinium is sown at the end of winter. Most often - in February. For this, planting material is carefully prepared by performing the necessary procedures.

Seeds are sown evenly in small containers filled with soil. To make them clearly visible, the surface of the earth is sprinkled with sand. Practice shows that sowing density has a significant impact on the development of young seedlings. The best option recommended by gardeners is to place no more than 2 seeds per 1 cm². Although it may seem too thick, don't worry. For the king, flower beds are the norm.

The video provided shows the correct planting of delphinium seeds. After looking at it, it won’t be difficult to grow such a magnificent flower in your garden. Often it is the delphinium that becomes the pride of a country flower bed. After all, it fits well into any suburban landscape. The fascinating process of growing a flower brings true satisfaction to devoted fans of green spaces.

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