What does basic secondary school mean? Is the school a general education or an educational organization? Schools in Russia

Sklyarenko Elina Olegovna

Modern education distinguishes at least 7 types of schools (options of general secondary education).

    Traditional school. This type of school is focused on transferring ready-made knowledge. Each subject is assigned a strict number of subject hours. This school reproduces primarily the empirical type of thinking.

    Specialized school(with in-depth study of one or a set of subjects). This type of school is aimed at in-depth study of a subject (for example, one or more languages, mathematics, physics, history, literature or physical education, etc.) Most often this is achieved by increasing the number of exercises and teaching hours allocated in the curriculum for more detailed study of the material.

    Gymnasium-lyceum. This type recreates the academic level of education (style, form and method) that existed in the pre-revolutionary period and rightfully had high authority. Most often, institutions of this type significantly change their curricula by adding new subjects, usually in the humanities (philosophy, logic, culture, the study of ancient and several foreign languages, etc.) and try to attract high-class specialists to the teaching process (employees of leading universities, institutes, research centers). Parents should understand that many lyceums and gymnasiums overload their curriculum by introducing additional lessons of the relevant profile, increasing the hours of stay of children (especially primary school age) within the walls of the institution, which can affect the assimilation of educational material and the neuropsychic overload of children. It is also worth considering the fact that often invited teachers, who are not specialists in school education, try to give children as much information as possible, without taking into account their age characteristics.

    A school focused on one or more new education systems(Waldorf school, Montessori school, Zaitsev school, etc.).

    Developmental school(D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov). This type of school is a system that ensures the child’s reconstruction of ideal patterns of action and mastery of concepts from the point of view of the conditions of their origin.

    This system is most fully expressed in teaching mathematics, Russian language and fine arts to younger schoolchildren. On these subjects, children, in special forms of interaction with adults and peers, carry out actions through which historically such products of spiritual culture as mathematical and linguistic concepts, and artistic images were formed. As a result, they develop the foundations of theoretical thinking and creative imagination. Thus, developmental education is focused on mastering an important, but not the only significant type of consciousness for this education system: scientific-theoretical and artistic as forms of theoretical consciousness. The system of developmental education actually provides an example of a school of a cultural-historical type, although limited in goals and objectives and applied only to the education of children of primary school age. Historical and cultural school

(from a school with an enhanced humanitarian component of knowledge to a school of dialogue of cultures (V.S. Bibler). This type of school represents a fairly wide range of schools - from educational institutions with in-depth study of humanities subjects to a school built within the framework of the concept of dialogue of cultures. In In most schools of this type, the historical vertical in humanitarian subjects is reduced to the process of consistent acquisition of knowledge about the history and culture of a particular period or civilization. The task of mastering historical types of consciousness and activity, as a rule, is not set in schools of this type.

Used literature: article “Cultural-historical type of school” Rubtsov V.V., Margopis A.A. and etc.


School, noun, and.

used Often Morphology: (no) what? schools , what? school , (see) what? school , how? school , about what?; about school pl. (no) what? What? , (no) what? schools schools school (no) what? school schools school schools

1. about schools School

refers to an educational institution in which children aged 6–17 years receive general education, as well as the building of this educational institution itself. | City, rural school. | Enter, go to school. | Student, school graduate. | Finish school.

2. Physics and mathematics, English school. Boarding school

3. about schools is called a secondary general education or specialized school where children live and study.

is called the entire system of general education. | In its development, the modern Russian school has encountered a number of serious difficulties that have negatively affected the quality of natural science education.

4. Correspondence school students do not attend every day, but only during tests, exams, etc.

5. Night school is a comprehensive school for young people who are busy at work during the day, or for those who could not attend secondary school due to illness, etc.

7. Musical, artistic, sports and so on. school is an educational institution where children are taught special knowledge, usually in the evening, after the end of the school day at a comprehensive school.

8. graduate School is a system of vocational education for those who have completed high school, and also a general name for universities, institutes, etc.

about exercises, knowledge, skills

9. about schools They call a system of techniques, mandatory exercises, types of work when mastering any skill or art.

Primary guitar school. | Composition and still life are included in the school of graphics.

10. about schools refers to the knowledge and experience that a person independently acquires throughout life.

Go through hard labor school. | Have an excellent school behind you. | Military service is a harsh school.

11. about schools called a direction, movement in science, art, literature, socio-political thought, etc., which have significant differences from other directions, movements, etc.

Chess school. | Italian painting is divided into schools. | Literary schools of the 18th century. | Create your own school in science.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:


    Synonyms See what “school” is in other dictionaries: school

    - school … Nanai-Russian dictionary

    Schools, women [Greek school]. 1. Lower or secondary educational institution. Go to school. School building. Construction of schools. 2. Name of educational institutions (lower, secondary, higher, special). Rural school. Elementary School. Public school.... ...

    Recently, there has been an increasing tendency for schoolchildren to abandon school after the ninth grade and look for other options for acquiring knowledge. Indeed, there are various reasons that motivate one to leave school and enroll in a technical school. These could be financial difficulties, problems the child has with certain disciplines, or health conditions. If your child has the opportunity to complete the full 11th grade, you should definitely contribute to this. In this article we will look at why school education is needed for grades 10 and 11 and what opportunities this gives the child in the future.

    11th grade education: what is it called?

    When, immediately after graduating from school, fully grown adults begin to feel independent, parents are faced with the problem of their child’s reluctance to study further. Some decide to force their children to go to universities, while others give complete freedom of action. It is difficult to say what exactly will be right for each individual child, but finding a job will be quite difficult.

    Often, children simply do not know what 11th grade education is called, and they think about filling out this column on their resume. One way or another, in reality the child only has complete secondary education. What prospects does he have in the future? In fact, none. After your child has completed 11 grades, no matter how wonderful an education he received in the most prestigious school, he does not have a specialty. So you must clearly explain to your son or daughter in the ninth grade that in the end there are only three paths:

    • end all ;
    • and transfer to a college or other educational institution with subsequent continuation of studies at a university by correspondence or full-time;
    • quit studying and thereby delay obtaining a specialty for some time.

    Unfortunately, ambitions often take over and after finishing 11th grade, schoolchildren do not quite understand what kind of education this is, and decide to quit everything halfway. The parents’ task is to explain that only a higher or secondary specialized education will help them find a decent job in the future and move up the career ladder.

    Complete secondary education for 11 grades: what does it give?

    To explain to your child that graduating from school is not the end of learning, but that this is just the beginning, simply break everything down for him. So, what prospects will you have after finishing 11th grade:

    this is a ladder, steps that lead up (lat.); house of joy in the process of learning the world (Greek); an educational institution designed for the organized training, education and development of younger generations. School is an educational institution; training, experience achieved in something, as well as what gives such training, experience; direction of the field of science, art; system of compulsory institutions; a general educational institution in which the basics of scientific knowledge about man, nature and the foundations of artistic culture are studied. (1)

    Great definition

    Incomplete definition ↓


    lat. schola, from Greek. schole) educational institution (see Educational institutions). There have been different points of view on the definition of the concept “Sh.”. Some pedagogical theorists focus on the development of personality in school, and school itself is considered “preparation for adult life”; other specialists emphasize the educational functions of school; a number of teachers consider educational aspects to be the main ones in school. In reality, Sh. combines many functions, including those on which the above points of view focus their attention. There is also a large number of very different classifications of types and types of schools. Schools can be supported by the state or private individuals and organizations (see Non-state educational institutions, Private schools). Based on the nature of the knowledge imparted, schools are divided into general educational and professional (special); according to the level of education provided - primary, incomplete secondary, secondary, higher; by gender of students - male, female, coeducational; in relation to religion - into secular and religious (confessional). According to various principles of organizing education and training, the following are distinguished: a unified school, a labor school (its subtype is an illustrative school). For children who do not have the conditions for a normal upbringing, boarding schools are created, for children in need of treatment - sanatorium-forest schools, etc. The author's school has been developed, as well as its types: adaptive school, school of "dialogue of cultures", " school of self-determination,” Waldorf schools (see Waldorf pedagogy), schools of developmental education, etc. In the modern world, schooling plays a decisive role in the implementation of the individual’s right to education. Throughout the history of mankind, one of the main. The issues of pedagogy were the interaction between “school and life.” Already in primitive society, basic principles are visible in preparation for initiation. features of formal socialization, as it has been preserved to the present day: it complements spontaneous, natural, in particular family, socialization. In everyday life, only practical demonstration and imitation are not enough for a growing person to acquire the qualities he and the community need. To achieve these goals, the communication and assimilation of concentrated, specially selected knowledge is also necessary; Exercises are needed to master complex skills. The selection of the content of school education (see Content of Education) is determined by its more or less conscious goals and principles, i.e. involves a meaningful plan or program of education. Education is carried out in Switzerland as an institution that provides contact and communication between a relatively small number of more advanced and experienced people (teachers, educators) with many less advanced and experienced people (students, educated people). The content of education is communicated and learned through the specific interaction between teachers and students - teaching and learning. School education is considered successful when it ends with a public demonstration of acquired knowledge and skills - exams. The education of society since the times of the first civilizations has been carried out within the framework of formal education - theoretical education with elements of internship, practice and examinations. Education system, training, acquired experience. A direction in science, literature, art, etc., connected by the unity of the basic. views, commonality or continuity of principles and methods. See also Non-state educational institutions, Basic school

    Good evening! Tell me how to write correctly: educational organization or general educational organization? In Federal Law 273, “educational” is everywhere, but many schools say general education???

    There's an answer

    School is an educational institution for obtaining general education. In a broad sense, the word can be applied to the name of any educational institution (art school, music school, sports school - youth sports school, martial arts school, etc.).

    The law uses a general concept - “educational organization/institution”. Most schools have a full legal name using the word “general education”, for example “State budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 81 of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg.” Many schools now have their own website, where its full legal name is indicated.

    In the Russian Federation, public relations arising in the field of education are regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ.

    The Federal Law on Education defines the most significant concepts (terms) for the entire educational sphere. Paragraph 11 of Article 2 defines the concept of “general education” - a type of education that is aimed at developing the individual and acquiring, in the process of mastering basic general education programs, knowledge, abilities, skills and the formation of competence necessary for a person’s life in society, an informed choice of profession and obtaining a professional education.

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